Benefits of

Therapeutic Breast Massage

Milk management

While scientific studies are still catching up, stories from real moms hint at the power of breast massage for enhanced breast health and milk management. The frequency? It varies, tailored to your unique situation. Whether you master safe self-care techniques or opt for guidance from certified therapists like me, these small changes can yield significant physical and emotional benefits. Perfect for those recovering from challenging childbirth, C-sections, postpartum separations, mastitis, or emotional struggles. Let's navigate this journey together and bring ease back into your life.

○ Increased awareness of milk expression and handling.

○ Reduced congestion and engorgement. Practiced volume management.

○ Relief from mastitis, blebs or infections.

○ Improved awareness of your unique milk making signal needs.

○ Restored ease, confidence and wellbeing.

Managing engorgement and figuring out supply

Breasts have their own rhythm, expanding and contracting as they produce milk. It's a dance, especially in the early stages or when your pumping routine shifts. Understanding your body's signals is key – it's more than just numbers and clock-watching. Learn to interpret your body's cues, crafting a schedule that fits your unique rhythm and needs. Let's move beyond the basics and create a feeding and sustainably healthy milk making plan in harmony with your body and your baby.

Improving Posture and Range of Motion

Therapeutic breast massage goes beyond the breasts, extending its healing touch to the chest, shoulders, and neck. Through a blend of deep-tissue massage, movement, breathing, and stretching, this technique offers holistic relief. Regardless of your breast health, every woman can find solace in this practice. It becomes a potent tool for recovery post-C-section, mastitis, or your baby's tongue and lip tie release. Let your body experience the rejuvenating power of therapeutic touch as a mom working hard to feed and care for herself and her baby.

What to Expect in a Treatment

Before undergoing therapeutic breast massage, a doctor's referral and signed consent form might be necessary. This personalized treatment is integrated into your wellness visits, tailored to your specific needs and appropriate for your care.

During the massage, you might participate actively, guided through breathing and assisted stretching or milk expression. The techniques involve gentle pressure and movement, ensuring a pain-free experience. Methods include myofascial release, trigger-point therapy, manual lymphatic drainage, and Ayurvedic breast massage, complemented by modalities to restore balance and promote relaxation.

Comfort and clear communication are paramount. Julee, an experienced, multi-licensed, and certified therapist, specializing in care for prenatal and postpartum mothers feeding, wellbeing and transitioning and thriving in motherhood.

These treatments are tailored to your mind-body type, medical history, and preferences, ensuring a healing touch that feels right for you.

Babies are always welcome to join in this nurturing experience and also can be scheduled in for a co-treatment!

Taking Matters into Your Own Hands

Beyond professional breast massage treatments, you can take several preventive measures to maximize your breast health.

Daily self-massage promotes lymph flow and is especially beneficial for those experiencing engorgement. The debate between deep versus light touch breast massages continues, with various techniques available, all of which need not be overly complicated. Julee will guide you through these in your visits.

(Explore these video by Maya Bolman, a renowned expert in breast massage techniques worldwide!) Julee learned directly from Maya during a conference in Hawaii, enhancing her expertise in this nurturing practice.

The first step is to talk to your doctor and be sure you can receive breast massage. Assuming the answer is “yes,” make your appointment to develop your own self massage care plan and routine.